"Toužil jsem prospěti vědě a vlasti své."
Dr. Emil Holub

Information about the school

According to the register of schools, Grammar School of Dr. Emil Holub established by the Pardubice Region has an intake capacity of 400 students in a four-year and an eight-year educational programme.
In addition to the gym, a new modern campus includes a cafeteria, a multimedia auditorium, a buffet, and outdoor sports facilities. As expected, the campus also comprises modern language and computer classrooms, laboratories, wheelchair access, and Wi-Fi signal coverage for the school premises.
Students can choose from five foreign languages, in higher classes they pick up seminars reflecting their future career. Besides traditional courses, which deepen knowledge in each subject, we offer specialized seminars - e.g. Latin, Financial Mathematics, Art History, and Geographic Information Systems. We partner with the University of Hradec Králové, the University of Pardubice, and the European Training Centre.
The courses held by a native speaker under the auspices of this relevant institution prepare students for the renowned Cambridge examinations. Besides a school-leaving certificate, our graduates are given an internationally recognized education-confirming document, which is a part of the Europass.

Contact us at kay@gyholi.cz

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